What Makes A PC Game Become Successful?

There is a lot of controversy with PC gaming today in regards to what developers should do to keep a game going. But what really make a game tick with everyone? What keeps a game going? There are a few factors that I’d like to share in today’s post.

Boss Key Studios, the studio behind Lawbreakers and their newest game Radical Heights, is deciding to shut down to “reflect” on what they’ve created. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed Lawbreakers and Radical Heights had its moments but I feel like if studios continue to simply copy the trends then they’ll tank as a company… Boss Key is a good example of that.

Lawbreakers was supposed to compete with games like Overwatch. Radical Heights was trying to compete with PUBG and Fortnite Battle Royale… Both failed.

This post isn’t going to be about Boss Key Studios, but their situation is a perfect example of what I want to talk about today.

What factors does a PC game need to stay alive?

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