Alienware Alpha Game Console Specs, Ready For Next-Gen?

Are the Alienware Alpha game console specs up to par for this next generation of gaming? Well today I’d like to dig deep and show you guys exactly what you can expect out of Alienware’s new PC gaming console.

PC gaming is evolving at record breaking speeds and last-gen computer hardware is slowly being taken out of the picture. SteamOS is also right around the corner and that alone is going to completely change the way PC gaming is looked at. If you have never heard of SteamOS then I highly suggest giving it a Google search. SteamOS is an operating system that is Linux based but it will have the online services of Steam integrated within it as well. An Alienware Alpha gaming console would go perfect with SteamOS, so the timing couldn’t be better! 😀

Anyway, let’s get to the specs and the review of this new PC console.

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