Last Updated on May 1, 2015
Let’s take a look at the recent Microsoft Hololens preview, is augmented reality evolving in 2015? This next wave of technology is going to be amazing!
I’m pretty pumped to see what this augmented reality technology will be able to do not only as far as gaming but how business will be conducted and how it’ll change our every day lives. We are already in an era where we have become the most inter-connected generation of all time and it’s exciting how our connectivity will evolve with augmentations of our reality! 😀
Microsoft recently did a Hololens build preview and it looks quite astonishing, check it out!
Pretty cool, right?
It’s pretty exciting! This is a very potential future for computing and everything dealing with the internet and much more, we’re on the brink of a total shift in our technology.
I know for certain that I’ll be including this kind of technology into my life!
I wonder if Steam would integrate it’s services into this augmented world of technology that we’re starting to embark into. The fact that our power of overall technology doubles every single year puts me in awe because I can’t even imagine the kinds of technology that will come out in the next 5, 10, even 20 years.
I wonder if this will be integrated with our keyboards and mice?
Imagine playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive in your living room and the game actually becomes your living room. The possibilities are endless when it comes to this technology literally anything we can think of we can most likely manifest into an augmented world.
Windows 10 is set to release this summer. This device runs off of the Windows 10 operating system so it can’t be too far from the Window 10 release right?
I wonder how the Xbox One will be able to stream into the Hololens? Microsoft has already planned to being able to stream Xbox One games to PC and vice versa so it wouldn’t surprise me if they integrated that same thing into their augmented reality device. In an earlier post I showed how the Hololens will be able to project our Minecraft worlds into our living room and how we’d be able to build entire Minecraft worlds that way…
I wonder what fighting the boss dragon would be like in an augmented world! 😀
Would we be walking around in first person mode with Minecraft playing it survival mode?
Like I said, the possibilities are infinite when it comes to this technology!
I’d like to hear what you guys think will happen with this technology. Not just on the gaming side of things but on the business side as well, how will marketing be done in an augmented world?
Do you think this technology will explode and become viral much like how smart phones and social media has?
Please share your thoughts in the comment area below! 😀
Hey there! 👋 I’m Colton, founder of PC Builds On A Budget.
Whether you need help putting your PC together, finding a great pre-built rig, or want some help finding awesome peripherals – I’ve got you covered!
I share my experiences of anything and everything related to gaming PCs with you here. 👍
Truly amazing technology! I can still remember waiting for radios to ‘warm up’ before hearing music and the arrival of the first 6 transistor AM radio. We’ve come so far in such a short time!
Indeed, Dennis!
Technology doubles in power every single year, it’s so crazy that we are already to this point in technology!
The world of 3D printers and holographic technology sounds awesome of which I’ve known about for a fair time and would love to own them, but they’re too pricey at mo. Imagine being able to create some sort of business model from owning these. Your WA friend Sharon 🙂
Hey Sharon! 🙂
Yes, I too am very excited for the 3D printers and how it’ll incorporate with our holographic worlds that are starting to emerge. I agree 100% that all of this stuff is way too expensive for now but processor chips are getting cheaper to make every single day and will someday be as thin as paper and smaller than our fingernails! 🙂
We are living in very exciting times and I can’t wait to see what this technology has in store for our futures! 🙂
This is so helpful. Provided the exact information I was looking for! I’m definitely going to bookmark it for later visit.
Glad you liked the post! 🙂
Looks like so much fun! I have a 14-year-old son. Amazing technology is in his future!
Amazing technology isn’t just going to be in your sons future, it’s in our future as well! Virtual reality is going to start this year! 🙂
I think this technology is so cool. It’s amazing how technology keeps moving forward.
The only thing I don’t like is having to wear those darn technology eye wear. I like my eye make-up. I hope they change that with something smaller or place it somewhere else.
Other than that, It’s awesome stuff. 🙂
Yeah, there are dev teams that are creating contact lenses that will essentially do the same exact thing as shown here with Microsoft’s Hololens but I’m not sure how I really feel about sticking all of that technology right on my eye balls….it’s kind of overwhelming to think about!
We also have devices like Google Glass to look forward to, the future of this tech is moving very fast and I’m super excited to see what happens with it!
This is definitely one of my favorite articles that I’ve read so far. And it will probably release so soon! I can’t wait to see where it leads to.
Hello Hayley! 🙂
Virtual reality is supposed to be coming out later this year and augmented reality has already been done by Nintendo and some other companies, it’ll be crazy once this technology becomes much cheaper than what it is now and when it actually becomes the norm! 🙂
Hello Colton
I for one can’t wait for new technology to come i am one of those that like to move into this new world of technology. As i have just got the new smart phone from Samsung it is great still trying to work it all out but that’s the challenge love new tech.
Great page on technology.
Hey Lorraine!
I feel the same way, I like to stay on top of the tech trends but it’s moving so quick that I’m not sure if we’ll be able to keep up 100%! 🙂
Which I guess is a good thing as well because that means that it would be evolving at an insane rate! 🙂
Hey there! I can’t believe the video I just saw! This is amazing! I was starting to get disappointed with the Software Giant and this put them up a few notches on my book ;-). So cool! I have bookmarked this page and will share around.
Thanks for this post,
Hello Michael!
I’m in disbelief as well man lol! It truly is amazing and I can’t wait for consumer versions of this to be released, I know I’ll be the first in line to pick up this device that’s for sure! 🙂