Is The Free To Play Model The Way Of The Future?

There are plenty of examples of great games both on the PC platform and on consoles that are 100% free to play with different monetization options to support the developers.

Fortnite, Warframe, Path of Exile, Runescape, Brawlhalla and many other titles are doing great financially. Thriving communities are all over these games and they support them because they are just fun games to play and the communities want to see the game grow.

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Dead Cells Review On PC, Is It Worth The Hype?

Dead Cells recently got its full release on multiple platforms. However, Dead Cells on PC is what we’d like to review over in today’s post.

The team behind Dead Cells is labelling it as a “RogueVania” game. This means that the overall mechanics are inspired by Castlevania while also having rogue features such as perma-death on each run of the dungeon. We’ll go over those mechanics and more below!

With that, let’s get to the review.

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PC Hardware Innovations Should Keep Up With One Another

I’m no manufacturing and distributing expert – I don’t know absolutely everything that is going on in the background when companies like AMD or Asus are planning their next innovation for the next great processor or new motherboards.

However, there’s been a pattern with the PC gaming hardware industry where one major company will create an amazing new processor but there aren’t boards that truly have full compatibility to go with. That’s what I’d like to discuss with this post.

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Which Titles Are You Most Excited For From E3 2018?

There were a ton of titles that were teased and announced at the E3 expo a while ago and I’m curious to know what you guys are most excited about.

I’m extremely excited for the near future of PC gaming as a whole. It’s going to be a wild ride! I’ll share the titles that I’m the most ready for and again, it’d be awesome to hear from all of you which titles you’re the most intrigued in.

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What Makes A PC Game Become Successful?

There is a lot of controversy with PC gaming today in regards to what developers should do to keep a game going. But what really make a game tick with everyone? What keeps a game going? There are a few factors that I’d like to share in today’s post.

Boss Key Studios, the studio behind Lawbreakers and their newest game Radical Heights, is deciding to shut down to “reflect” on what they’ve created. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed Lawbreakers and Radical Heights had its moments but I feel like if studios continue to simply copy the trends then they’ll tank as a company… Boss Key is a good example of that.

Lawbreakers was supposed to compete with games like Overwatch. Radical Heights was trying to compete with PUBG and Fortnite Battle Royale… Both failed.

This post isn’t going to be about Boss Key Studios, but their situation is a perfect example of what I want to talk about today.

What factors does a PC game need to stay alive?

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Is Skyrim VR Worth Getting On PC?

I decided to pull the trigger and see if Skyrim VR is worth getting on the PC. Using the HTC Vive, Skyrim VR has surpassed most of my expectations though there are also a few things I think they could improve on within the game.

Skyrim VR is mostly what you imagine it is. The full game, playable in seated or room-scale VR mode, swinging your weapon to hit and actually shooting the bow similarly to how you would in real-life…

They did a pretty good job porting it into VR and whether or not it’s worth the full $60 comes down to pure opinion but for me, it was worth the price considering that I haven’t played Skyrim for a long while and mod support down the road is going to make it even more worth diving into.

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PC Building Simulator Review, It’s Surprisingly Accurate

I’d like to review the new PC Building Simulator and share all of the ins and outs of what it is and what it is becoming. Being an early access title, there are still plenty of features that will be added for the final version.

What I appreciate most about PC Building Simulator is that they’ve partnered with companies like EVGA, GIGABYTE, Corsair and SilverStone.

You’re free to put together any build you see fit and then there’s also a career mode where you can build up a PC store to help anyone with computer problems or upgrades.

With that, let’s get to the review.

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Best Free To Play PC Games In 2018

Just because a game is free to play (F2p) doesn’t mean that they’re low quality and not fun, usually it’s the other way around! Plenty of F2P games have come out in the past year alone so let’s take a look at some of the best free to play PC games that are available in 2018.

You’ll see some of the usual games that are shared as well as one or two that aren’t mentioned as much that deserve to be on a list like this. We’ve done a list similar to this before which will have some of the same titles mentioned, they’re simply still relevant.

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What Is Kingdom Come: Deliverance? What Is It All About?

If you’ve been lurking around on Steam or random gaming sites then you’ve probably seen Kingdom Come: Deliverance being mentioned a lot recently. You’re probably wondering, what is Kingdom Come: Deliverance and what kind of a game is it? I’ve immersed myself into this world a ton lately so let’s talk about it!

After pouring in over 24 hours into this adventure I feel like I’ve got a good grasp on how the game plays and overall what kind of experience it is. It isn’t a game for everyone but it’s also one of the most unique gaming experiences I’ve had!

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What Is Delver? The Addicting Rouge-Like Dungeon Crawler

If you’re wondering what Delver is, what it’s about and if it’s even worth getting then look no further. After putting in a decent amount of hours into these dungeons I can say that it’s at least worth trying out if you like rouge-likes!

With graphics inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and a mix of Minecraft, Delver was made to try and be the dungeon crawler that satisfies the parts that other games just couldn’t get right.

Delver is all about delving deep into some dungeons, grabbing what is called the Yithidian orb and escaping all in one go. If you die, you will respawn as another delver with some of the gold from the last crawl.

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